Links to Helpful Home Pages

|| MyCharleston || Vectors for Free || Color Codes || Backgrounds ||

College of Charleston: MyCharleston

This is the login page for the student portal MyCharleston at the College of Charleston. This is where I go to access a system we use called OAKS. We even used OAKS in CSCI 114 to upload certain assignments in the dropbox section located at the top of the page. This is also where I go to check my grades for my classes. This is also where I went to first get in contact with the members of my Pecha Kucha group for CSCI 114. As a student of CofC, this site is essential! Click the CofC logo to access it.

Vectors for Free

Many designers find it helpful to use vectors to draw the eye of the on-looker. This website provides attractively developed vectors that can really add to websites and designs. I have used this website to find backgrounds for websites I have created in the past, and it never ceases to be useful for me. Hopefully you will find it useful also!

Color Codes

This website provides a full list of 500 colors, along with their codes so that you can use them in creating your webpage. I used this site in order to find the RGB numbers for the color scheme I used for this very website. It also groups certain shades of colors together so that you can scroll to the specific color you are thinking of and quickly find the correct shade. This was extremely helpful and a huge time saver!


background Sometimes, it can be useful to find high-quality images or pictures to use as backgrounds for your website designs, such as the flower background seen on my website. This website has a wide array of choices to suit whatever need your website has. I have found it very useful throughout this developing process, and I hope that you will too! You can also use these beautiful pictures for backgrounds on your computer homescreen, as well!